Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Summer Run Streak, Days #96 and #97

We're in the middle of a vicious heat wave in New England. True to my luck, it's right as we go back to work and have to be in buildings with no air conditioning. It's just as well I guess that it forces me out of the house earlier, so I'm having an easier time talking myself into getting up at 4am to go out for my training.

Yesterday covered 7.6 miles. The plan had it as an optional fartlek workout, but it was humid and I wasn't completely in the zone for a workout mentally. I did put in a decent effort, and I tried to add some small surges. With being back to work I did end up covering about 18k steps (12 miles or so) so I don't feel too bad about it. I need to pace myself when I hit this point in the year, so I adjust to the dramatic uptick in activity.

My wife and I canceled our personal training session for last night, too, which was just as well. We hadn't slept well the night before, and that set the whole family up for an early bedtime just after 8:00. It was nice to get almost seven hours of sleep. Hopefully I can make that a pattern. The toddler has been so worn out from being back to the daycare full time that she's ready to have dinner, read books, and go to sleep earlier than usual. All in all it isn't a bad way to unwind after the work day, and I have been enjoying not having to go running after bedtime.

Tomorrow I have a speed work out on the training plan, and it is the last day of the heat wave. More than likely I'll end up running through the last hours of the heat wave.

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