Monday, July 9, 2018

Summer Run Streak, Day #44, #45, #46

Three days on one post again. Not my favorite way to blog a run streak, for sure.

Five mile run in the morning on day #44, which was pretty nice. Went to a donut place after, and then the zoo. Wild donut place with pretty crazy flavors. Toddler fell asleep on the way there, so we figured we were in for it.

She ended up being up for the zoo, and then took another nap after we got home. We're learning that we have to navigate these things carefully or bedtime ends up totally screwed up, and if bedtime is screwed up or I don't prioritize my running correctly I end up running at ten at night. Not my favorite.

Day #45 saw us going to a birthday party for a coworker's kiddo. The baby slept in the wrap the whole time, the toddler ran around and played... more or less by herself. She's pretty social, but many of the kids at this party were either related or had spent a lot of time together. She wasn't totally ostracized, or really all that aware of it, but it still made me a little sad for her. She's really pretty outgoing, but it was a big group of kids, all of them older than her, and not particularly interested.

After we got home and I made dinner, I knew I had to get out for some miles. I have a tough race up next weekend which is ten miles on technical trails. I love the race, I know it's going to beat the crap out of me, but I needed to at least put some distance in. Unfortunately that meant that I ended up getting home ten minutes after bedtime should have started, so my wife and I did bedtime with the kiddos, me still decked out in my running kit. Like some sort of weird parenting decathlete.

Tonight (Day #46) I ended up going out for two miles barefoot, after bedtime. It was pretty nice as the nights have been cooler, but I know I'll be kicking myself tomorrow for not having gotten more sleep.

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