Sunday, December 3, 2017

Holiday Run Streak, Day #11

Had planned on a ten miler today, but looking at the mileage of the last two weeks, it's way past a 10% increase. That and the twinge in my right ankle has me holding off and putting in an easy five. I'll get a long run in at some point in the next week.

Colder here in New England, and I've been running in the afternoon. All considering I've been lucky weather wise, with mostly clear (if cool) days. Looks like we're in for some rain in the middle of this week, but I'm still thinking I'll get in some decent mileage midweek.

During the week I'll be back to early morning runs, and hopefully the contrast won't throw me off too much. It's nice to be able to sleep in, and better that I feel like I've dodged getting a bad cold (was starting to feel sick at the end of last week, but seems to have cleared up a bit...)

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