Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving! (and a new beginning)

Happy thanksgiving to any and all who happen across my digital footprint.

It's odd to say, but the usual hoopla around this holiday has sort of been moved earlier in November for me, with our Friendsgiving. It allows for the actual day itself to be a much quieter one (even with a toddler.) A day we spend together, enjoying the comforts of our small nuclear family.

I've not written about this here yet, but this will be our last Thanksgiving as a family of three -- my wife and I are expecting our second child in the Spring of next year. It's exciting, and a little scary, and overwhelming, but a happy time to be sure.

I'll also be starting in on the Holiday Running Streak again. I've done one each year for the last four years. Last year was rough, and I abandoned the streak around the 23rd of December, so my goal this year is for redemption and maybe even to set a new personal distance record during the time frame. My highest distance covered in a streak was 153 miles, so we'll see what happens.

I'll be posting daily as I used to, with brief notes on each run and little stories from the day.

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