Saturday, September 3, 2016

End of an Era

My run streak came to an end this past Thursday. There are a lot of reasons for that.

I wasn't feeling great after work, but I carried on as we had the social club that evening. Baby girl had a really rough day at school, so when we got home we all took a nap. I got up, cleaned the house, and held the social club meeting. During that time, it was pretty obvious to us that the baby was running a fever, and shortly after I checked her temp she began vomiting. Our guests headed out as we called the doctor, who told us there was a bug going around and to keep her home the following day.

Around that time I started feeling not-so-great again with a headache. Ordinarily I would have gone out and gotten a mile in, but the combination of concern and fatigue proved to be too much, so I went to bed and slept for ten hours.

My immediate reaction is that I'm somewhat disappointed I wasn't able to carry on until the end of September, but I'm also very happy with the 94 days of running I've put in since Memorial Day. I'll always remember this summer when my daughter was this little, and the fact that I loved every mile I put in on the road. This is the 'end of an era' as it were, but it certainly isn't the last time I'll do a run streak. There are more really good things on the horizon.

At this point the plan is to resume a normal three on, one off, two on, one off training schedule. I'll focus on putting in a long run, some speedwork/hill work, and possibly a tempo here and there. This should enable me to get to my fall half marathons in good trim, and also be in good enough shape to start my holiday run streak in November.

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