Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Holiday Run Streak, Day #4, #5, #6

One mile each on days four and five. Pretty incredible rain, too.

Last night got out for a four mile run, and felt very good after about mile two. Have to switch to morning runs tomorrow, because I have a late meeting at the end of the work day. Should be possible but I'll have to make sure to run easier tonight, and possibly less distance tomorrow.

The pain in my left foot isn't so bad after I'm up and moving, so running at the end of the day is working out for now. When I get up in the morning it bothers me a little, but not enough to stop me from walking around or anything. My right quad is still bothering me, too, but has gotten a little better now that I'm doing some regular stretching.

Long days at work mean I'm exhausted when I'm home, but still trying to carve out some time to read with the kids, play games, and have family dinners. We have a routine before bed now of reading four books, and it's been growing up to five or six books. The toddler likes Halloween books.

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