That said, let's take a look at the goals for 2016:
- Run two marathons in a year
- PR the 5k
- Barefoot a 5k
- Set and achieve a climbing goal at least 6 months of the year
- Lose as much weight as it takes to be efficient
- Continue making time to spend with daughter
- Re-begin date night with wife
- Read some parenting (specifically dad) books
- Research more of the dad-positive new media
- Learn and archive some terrible dad jokes
OK, so now a brief analysis of each goal.
I ran Big Sur in April, which was my first spring marathon I've ever run. I did not run a fall marathon this year, however. Situations conspired against me and my lack of training would have made the effort futile at best, and foolish at worst. So two marathons in a year remains a dream of mine. We'll see what can be done about it in 2017.
PRing or Barefooting the 5k fell by the wayside, as well. I didn't run many 5ks this year, I didn't really train for them. I didn't do that much barefooting, either. I'm not entirely sure why that was the case.
I set a climbing goal to meet 6 months. With the help of the Strava Run climbing challenges, I was really able to push myself. I don't do a lot of climbing, not as dedicated training, so it was work just to put those repeats into my schedule. I managed to reach my climbing goal 4 months out of the year. Not my goal, but also not terrible given that I've never focused on climbing.
My weight this year was... not great. I was OK up into the fall, but as I've fallen less active due to burnout I've also managed to gain some weight. I'm feeling refreshed to tackling that challenge the way I did several years ago -- by watching my food intake. Gradually I'll add running back in this year and that will help me reach my new goal weight.
My family goals went exceedingly well. I have a strong bond with my child, and my wife and I have been getting along well, even given the stresses of work and parenting.
I became very into new-media this year surrounding parenthood, so I also claim those goals as wins. I learned a lot, and I really feel like I have a better understanding for how big this community truly is. It is nice not to feel alone. Or to feel like we're failing at this, as so many others are in the same boat with these questions and struggles.
Look to part 2 to see my goals for 2017!
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